It started by falling in love with a tough dog.

Handlers & Humans LLC is the passion project of Jess Adam, an emotional support coach for dog lovers with a decade of experience as a licensed psychotherapist, and proud mom of a reactive dog who teaches her about resilience every day.

In 2014, Jess brought home a six month old puppy with a crooked ear and after becoming quickly overwhelmed by his intense behavior, realized they both needed serious help. Like many reactive dog owners, Jess had no idea what she was getting into. 

The years of training that followed were full of highs, lows, and a lot of tears. While trainers were wonderful, they focused on Dio's behavior and couldn't offer insight on how to manage the emotional toll for humans who love a reactive dog. 

Along the way, Jess started to support her mental health and relationship with Dio by mindfully incorporating skills that she would often teach her clients in as a therapist.

This was the missing link to give Jess the emotional capacity to keep working through training and building their relationship... even when things felt impossible.

Ten years later, Dio is still the love of her life.


DISCLAIMER: Services and statements provided by Handlers & Humans, LLC and Jessica Adam as a coach are NOT replacements for mental health assessment or treatment.

Jessica Adam is NOT operating as a mental health counselor/therapist in this capacity and is not providing therapeutic or mental health services, nor is she entering into any therapeutic patient-client relationships.

Jessica Adam is also not a canine professional or dog trainer, and is not providing dog training instruction or advice.

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